Shortly after the Japanese surrendered in Malaya, British forces returned to the country imposing a British Military Administration. During the Japanese occupation of Malaya, communist Chinese resistance fighters, led by Chin Peng set up and established deep jungle hide-outs. From their hidden jungle bases they carried out hit and run guerrilla attacks on smaller Japanese units in the countryside. These were in the main skirmishes and ambushes, followed by rapid withdrawal back into the jungle. The guerrilla bands were named the Malayan Peoples Anti-Japanese Army – MPAJA. To keep an allied presence in Malaya, several British military and administrative officers remained behind after the fall of Singapore to form a guerrilla group to harass the Japanese. These British officers joined up with the Chinese communist resistance fighters and helped to train the Chinese guerrillas in jungle warfare and guerrilla tactics. British Far East Command HQ in Ceylon sent commando trained volunteers who were parachuted into the jungle to join the British and Chinese guerrillas. In addition, large drops of arms, ammunition and equipment were also made to strengthen the capability of the combined jungle forces, designated as Force 136. However, after the second world war ended, the enemy of enemy was longer my friend.
Between 1944 and 1945, Chinese Canadians were recruited and quietly seconded to SOE in Southeast Asia (Force 136). They were told they had a 50-50 chance of surviving. They also were sworn to secrecy. To do this kind of work would require much more than basic army training. The men would need to learn commando warfare techniques. Over the course of several months they learned skills such as: stalking; silent killing; demolition; jungle travel and survival; wireless operations; espionage; and parachuting. Besides their gruelling training, the men would have to fight off illnesses (like malaria, dysentery and broken bones), and endure incredible heat, humidity and monsoons. Each man was offered a cyanide capsule, in case of capture. Some were also given opium capsules or gold coins they could use for bribes. Eventually, each recruit became a specialist and part of a small, self-sufficient team. These Chinese Canadians were all volunteers and my father met and knew many of them. By their selfless devotion to duty, Canada had to change its immigrant policy and treat them as equals. Prior to this a separatism policy existed between white folks and people from other races. A Chinese person, male or female in Canada during pre WW2 era was not allowed to swim in baths with other white folks. If you good enough to die for your country, you are a citizen period.
Typical ten men Jungle Squad with Rhodesian SAS or British Officer in command. Rex ,my father was one of those officers in command of Malaya Federation Special Constable Jungle Squads. If you read your redacted history books, note that very little mention is given to these teams who fought and often gave their lives so that the cancer of communism via violent armed struggle is removed from our society.
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