Malaya Federation Special Constables Batang Berjuntai Jungle Fort
Between 1948 and 1953 the total number of Malayan Federation Police killed in action by communist terrorists was one thousand, two hundred and fifty-two of which at least fifty-six were European Police Sergeants EPS and Police Lieutenants (EPS promoted to Police Lieutenants). Many other ranks including the brave Malaya Federation Special Constables and their Auxiliary Police Force also lost their lives in the line of duty. This page is in honour of all Malayan Federation Special Constables and their immediate Officers in command of the Jungle Squads who lost their lives defending their homeland from communist domination during the Malaya Emergency 1947 to 1960. RIP
Six more Malaya Federation Special Constables Batang Berjuntai Jungle Fort
Each person’s life depends on what he or she decides to do about it. If through understanding and action, it is possible to free ourselves from the usual patterns of growth, decay and one sidedness. Then the duration and quality of the lives we lead is up to us and no one else. We are our own and only responsibility and the sole arbiters of our own destiny. ~ Rex Sunday 15th Jan 1967 In memory of Rex: 30th November 1924 to 10th May 1989 RIP
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